Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ymm Ymm Ymm

Okay, so who doesn't have pictures of their cute little baby smeared with baby food? I couldn't resist taking a few. Nathan does a much better job of feeding her than I do...she hardly needs a bib. When I do it, EVERYTHING is covered. The best part, is every baby food is some color, orange or green it seems, and she will not go through a feeding without sneezing at least once, or blowing rasberries. My table cloth has orange spots all over it but thats okay.

He's taking over my mess...

She loves Peaches!


Granny Z. said...

Sigh, I can't believe she is old enough to be eating peaches!!! I need to get up there and snuggle her before she doesn't let me do it any more!!

The Cole's said...

I can't believe she's eating baby food already. Seems like yesterday I was in the delivery room with you! She's growing too fast!

Loree said...

I love seeing Nate being a good daddy! Wish we lived closer! Miss you guys!