Thursday, October 30, 2008

Never Ending

It seems like no matter how much time you spend on anything, be it work, chores,'s never ending. I spent the last 2 years studying for school, and after I graduated I thought it would be nice not to study anymore. However, the last couple of weeks (days acutally....I'm a huge procrastinator) I've been studying during my free time...haha, if you would call it that. Today I took the PANCE, the certification exam for PA's, and honestly, I have absolutely no idea how I did. I answered some questions right, and some questions wrong. The frustrating part is, 1/3 of the test isn't acutally the "test." It's practice questions they "test" out for the next group. So if they through out the questions I did really good on, I'll do bad. If they throw out the questions I answered wrong, then I aced it. Confusing, I know, but I'll eventually know in about 2-3 weeks. Can't wait (sarcastically speaking).

So, I know how every one likes to read the posts with pictures, so I'll add a few just to make it "interesting..." Nothing really special, just a quick couple of shots of those kids of mine. =)

1 comment:

Loree said...

Amber, i'll keep my fingers crossed for you! and your kids are so cute! heather is getting big and so adorable! you are right about needing pics to post. more fun to read about! talk to you later :)