Friday, August 21, 2009


On Friday, after I got off work, Nathan gave me directions to meet him someplace before I got home. I ended up at the Hampton Inn and Suites. He told me to go inside and tell them who I was. They gave me a key and told me where my room was. I walked in the door to a very nice suite! with a bouquet of lavendar roses, chocalates, a filled (with boiling hot water and rose petals) jacuzzi tub, a card, and my bag all packed for a night away. I called Nathan to ask where he was and he told my that my present was a night away all to myself. It was great! I ordered Outback Steakhouse shrimp and prime rib with key lime pie as desert...yum yum! Then I relaxed (in a much cooler tub) while watching T.V. I then was able to cuddle up in my very nice bed with all the pillows I wanted (didn't have to SHARE!) and slept until 9: 30 in the morning. A first for a long time! It was great. Then on Sunday we went to my parents house for a very nice dinner. We had homemade chicken and noodles, a family favorite. We also played ladder golf (Nathan's present from my parents) in the backyard with Nathan and I against my dad and mom. They beat us 3 times! But not to worry, we are going to get our practice in soon. Anyway, it was a very nice birthday and one not to forget!


Loree said...

what a sweet hubby! and what a wonderful birthday surprise for you! i bet sleeping in was AWESOME and a whole bed to yourself and ALLL those pillows! NICE!!!

April said...

Mmmmm! That sounds SO good! I need to get a list of these little places you guys have been trying. Sounds a lot more fun than boring old Olive Garden every date night. (Well, I COULD go there every time but variety is the spice of life, right? hehe)