Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer 2009

What a summer it's been! Family reunion, cousins camp, 4th of July, vacations, and a new job!
We've been busy busy, which is just like us! Seems like every weekend we have something going on! Last weekend I painted my card room brick red. It so much fun, and I'm moving onto the living room, dining room, kitchen, and bedroom within the next couple of weeks. Our house is getting a makeover! My new job is great. I've seen some cool work related injuries, nails through hands, drill bit through a wrist, and other fun stuff. I love the people I work with, but hate leaving my babies every day. On the bright side though, the time that we spend together is definetely quality time now =). Here are some pictures of the highlights of the summer!

Floating on the Yellowstone River with Johnathan, Anneke, Carla, and the 4 of us.
Here the boys were attempting to drown each other.

Oreo cookies are the best on the river, just wash off by taking a swim!

Nathan of course fished on the river and caught a nice trout.....and himself.

Josie braving it out there.......(I'm behind the floaty)

Carla getting ready to jump in.

Heather now loves to ride on the floaty.

Splish splash.

Can you believe my husband let his beautiful baby girl swim in a pool of GREASE WATER! I was not home for this, or the outcome would have been much different.
She was bathed when I got home but still!!!!

Had to take some cute pics to put up in my new office.

Chillin at the pool with Josie and Anneke.

Heather loved it.

Fourth of July Fireworks, can't you just see the excitement on his face!

Daddy woke Heather up so she could see the fireworks, she's not so impressed at this point, but by the end of the night was clapping her hands and "eewwing" at them.

It's past the kids bed time....can't you tell =)

Aden's ready to run!

Zeke kept attacking the fireworks and barking at them. He managed to knock this one over, but my husband came to the rescue.

Ohhh, a sparkler!

Fire in the sky.

Heather's first sparkler.

I bought some red hair gel and watched Aprils kids for a day.....we had lots of fun. =)

Now there are two red-heads in the family.

Aww, aren't they such cute little punks =) Heather managed to escape because it was her nap time.

Now this is the AZFC trip. Or the Annual Zito Family Campout, year 1. We went to Wade Lake over by west Yellowstone. I remember how family vacations were somewhat hectic when I was a kid and my parents would go insane. I understand it completely now. Getting ready....hectic. Screaming kids in the car....hectic. Need I say more. By Columbus we were both ready to turn around but we pulled through, and actually had a very nice vacation. (No Merilee.....we DID NOT BRING MOVIES!)
Heather was taking Zeke on a walk (love the homemade duck tape leash, left his at home)

We stopped at Ennis and went fishing at this little pond. Aden caught a HUGE trout, at least 25 inches. They dropped it before I could get a picture though. They caught about 4 but never were able to "land" them. It was cute how excited the two of them got though.

This is at Wade Lake. Aden loved playing with these crawdads. He would get them to attack each other and get there claws stuck together, or he would make them pick up rocks. I looked over at him once and they were hanging onto his lifejacket at one point.

The water was this awesome green. Nathan and I actually went camping here when we were dating. Going here brought back all those wonderful memories....trying to start a tree on fire with lighter fluid and 2 matches. (It didn't work).....sharing a tent with somebody who stole ALL of my

Heather loves the great outdoors, just like her momma. She slept all night long! Probably because she had MY sleeping bag, therefore I froze (until my husband gave me his bag). It was still fun though!

No fish this time, but Aden really practiced his cast. You can almost see how green the water is. It's absolutely beautiful. You can see all the way down to the bottom.

Heather waiting on Daddy to get the boat ready.

Surprisingly.....he didn't fall in!

Thats my boyscout, burning a box for the fire.

The boys getting ready to go swimming.
The girls set up the camp.
Aden changed his mind....too cold.

Heather wanting out to explore the area.

As many of you already know, Aden loves critters....and Nate hates snakes. What a perfect combination. I just love the look on Nathan's face! Aden looks enthralled. We've had rabbits, birds, mice, frogs, worms, snakes, and an entire assortment of bugs.

Of couse, can't have a summer without going to the zoo. Here are my two favorite monkeys.

Heather's favorite part was feeding the goats.

Heather likes her daddy more than the wolves. She must take after me.

Having fun!

Daddy makes a great stroller.


Loree said...

what a fun summer amber! that camping trip looks like a great time :) i can't wait to see your card room! i love brick red! i wish i was there to help you paint! glad you like your new job too! it was good to read about the Zito family! keep it up girl :) love and miss you

Johnny and Anny said...

Oh, I miss you guys! The pictures turned out great, and I'm excited to see your remodel!!

I got a chuckle when I saw Heather's pictures of swimming in grease water...I had nothing to do with it:)!

Jennifer Zito said...

I love the picture of Aden taunting Nate with the snake; awwww, it is priceless! I love the new blog pictures. I also can't wait to see the new home makeover! I love decorating and designing. Well good luck! *I recommend doing one wall a different color for a little contrast!* Have fun and can't wait to see the pictures.

Jennifer Zito said...

PS. I admire you for having the job you do. I rather deal with boogers and tattle-tailing, than nails through body parts, and blood and guts. You are a brave soul!

Granny Z. said...

Wow - busy, busy, busy! Looks like you guys had an awesome summer. I love the picture of Aden and Zeke looking expectantly out in the water - priceless.