Monday, November 9, 2009

October Fun!

We have had an eventful October full of Halloween fun!

Is she just the CuTeSt butterfly ever! Heather had a blast trick-or-treating. The first house we went to, she was a little unsure of what was to come, and then when a "genie" came to the front door she panicked! But then realized after a few houses what it was all about, and started grabbing for candy out of the bowls and piling it into her pumpkin. She had fun towards the end and would run up to the doors!

She got lots of "extra" treats because she was so cute!

Raiding grandma's candy stash.

The pregnant witchy woman.

Our office halloween fun.

We have a tradition of making frosted sugar cookies for Halloween. Nathan of course made pastel colors because we ran out of food coloring, but they were still yummy.

Heather of course loved frosting the cookies!

Aden showing off his work of art.

Having fun...

It's a monster!

THE HAUNTED HALLWAY! Johnathan and Anneke had an awesome Halloween party for the kids. They spent many hours decorating the hallway downstairs for the kids to go through. It was very SpOOky. Johnathan and Nathan dressed up as monsters (see above picture) and would scare the kids as they walked through. Most of the kids were scared to death (with the exception of Seth and Heather) and ran upstairs. Zeke I believe was the scaredest of them all, and almost attacked Johnathan when he poked his head out the door.

I don't even know what to say here.

Ghost guts from the Ghost pinata.

Carving creations: Nathan's on the left, Heather's in the middle, Aden's on the right.

Believe it or not, Heather actually got into it!


April said...

That Spook Alley was great! I loved all the different reactions from the kids.

Heather looks adorable as a butterfly!

Granny Z. said...

Isn't it fun doing all those crazy things with your kids. Makes being the grownup at least a little bit fun. Heather was a pretty cute little frosted "cookie"!