Monday, November 9, 2009

It's a GIRL!

My life as a pregnant lady. I'm still getting sick at least 4 out of 7 days a week now. But that's better than what it was. I was sick 7/7 days for almost 12 weeks morning, noon, and night, but overall am feeling a little better. The little rascal is a fidgety one too, moving around all the time. Nathan and I are super excited again, and of course can't decide on a girl name. On the news front, we had an abnormal quad screen a couple of weeks ago. They check the hormonal levels in the mother's blood and we got back an abnormal result. This is probably due to the fact that I have 3 different due dates. Originally it was 4/20, then 4/11, and then 4/16. So, expect this little baby sometime in April. We had a level II ultrasound were they take a look at EVERYTHING in detail. I was only 17 weeks but we found out it's a SHE (most women don't find out until they are at least 22 weeks!). Everything looked great, as there are no signs of any abnormalities. I have to have another detailed ultrasound in 4 weeks to measure interval growth and recheck the heart. It was only the size of a pencil eraser but it was sure pumping away. They will take a better look when she gets a little bit bigger. As of now, I'm offically 18 weeks and counting, but am still trying to enjoy every minute of it!!

1 comment:

Granny Z. said...

I am so glad everything is ok, I knew it would be. Fun, fun, with another girl! That makes 16 grandkids for us - 10 girls and 6 boys! I am going to have to have Loree get up here and paint all the names on my heart birthday calender - not that it actually reminds me that someone is having a birthday or anything - but it is fun to see!