Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ages and Stages

Heather turned 5 months old this week. I hear it at least once or twice a week about how fast babies grow, but it is soo true. Hard to believe it has been almost 1/2 a year since she was born. She's learning new tricks everyday. She is sitting fairly well, as long as I "adjust" her just perfectly. She can for about 10 minutes or so, then ends up falling, and she must have a toy in her hands at all times. She hasn't mastered the art of rolling over from back to tummy, but I'm sure she will one of these days, and I'll long for the days when she wasn't moving at all. =) Aden has also grown up so fast. We had some mommy and me time this week and put some sock puppets together. We made a lady bug and an alien. He really liked to make them, and to tease the dog with them.
The lady bug

He used it as a "punching toy" for awhile

My big little girl

I love this smile!

Concentrating so hard!


April said...

Cute sock puppet! Why does it now surprise me that he turned it into a boxing glove. lol

I can't believe Heather is sitting up already! She IS growing so fast. :)

Granny Z. said...

Cute puppet - did you do a puppet show? If so, we need to see the video.

Do I see dimples in that little girls cheeks? Darling pictures of my darling grandchildren!

Johnny and Anny said...

I didn't get to see the end result of the sock puppet extravaganza, and Aden's turned out like he's some sock puppet pro. Heather's going to be up and around in no time at all, I can't wait for her and Josie to hang out (josie can't wait either)!

Jennifer Zito said...

WOW! Heather is getting so big; isn't she just the cutest thing EVER!