Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Strike "X"

We had some fun out of the house this week and went bowling with Johnathan, Anneke, and Josie. Aden had lots of fun and was so cute to watch! He did manage to get a strike at least once while we were there, and even beat Johnathan's score on one game (as did everyone else.... my husband wanted me to point out.....see below picture with scores...) I didn't do so well, but it's all in good fun anyway. Heather and Josie were the "cheerleaders."

Nate: 86, Amber:73, John:49, Anneke 63...Aden was on the other lane

Waiting, waiting, waiting....

Wow, 7 down!

I just love those bowling shoes


Josie is always so cute!

Me and the girls


Granny Z. said...

Sounds like you guys had fun and of course the scores have to be published. I am gald you are having fun together before the work seasons starts!

Loree said...

these pics make me want to go bowling! looks like fun. bet my kids would love it. the last time we tried bowling YEARS AGO. Katilyn got her hand stuck in the bowling ball return machine and almost lost her fingers. it was a horrible accident. it was the weekend april was getting married. It was definately the worst weekend of our lives. I have a LONG story of one bad thing after bad thing on that road trip! I'll have to tell you more sometime!the wedding was happy though. don't get me wrong ;)