Saturday, February 14, 2009

Disney Live!

I'm a little late posting this one, but my computer was dropped on the floor this week (by a mischevious little red-head) and I have to have the screen replaced...but anyway, I'm using the shop and Nathan's not very good at sharing his things. The four of us, Lexi, Brandon, Merilee, and her friends Reagan and Julia all went to see playhouse Disney Live. The kids really enjoyed themselves, and their $10 a bag cotten candy and $8 a piece slushies. =) We got to see the playhouse gang, pooh and tiger, handy manny, and little einsteins. The kids were a little tired at first but eventually got into the singing and dancing by the end of it.

I thought Lexi looked so cute in the pic...Aden must have been hungry.

Here's those kids

Goofy's goofy

Can't even tell they missed their naps =)

Sad it's over

1 comment:

Granny Z. said...

Looks like fun - I am sure the kids loved it, but (I am glad I didn't have to go)!