Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Homemade Ice Cream

I told Johnathan and Anneke I needed some new blog subjects, and had just the perfect story to tell. Anneke has been craving some homemade strawberry ice cream. She had a great Rachel Ray recipe that sounded pretty complicated....point being she spent a lot of time working on it. Well, they got all ready to freeze it and the ice cream motor stoped working. Well, we couldn't just throw away good ice cream mix away right? They decided to hand crank the machine but after 10 min, new ideas had to come up to play. Johnathan happened to think of a drill and so they rigged it up and what do you know! 30 minutes later we had homemade strawberry ice cream!


Granny Z. said...

LOL, I love the expression on Johnathan's face - he is so smug. Anneke, however looks slightly annoyed at not being sure she will get to have her favorite treat.

Jennifer Zito said...

That is some well deserved ice-cream. If I was Anny, I would have a second helping!

April said...

Too funny! I bet Anny's dying to get a new ice cream maker now.

Johnny and Anny said...

I suppose I do look a little "annoyed"...in fact I wanted to run over my ice-cream maker with the car (but that's between all of us:).

Loree said...

I like it! do whatever it takes to get the ICE CREAM!!! glad it all worked out! wish i was there to share the goodness!